Board elections and winter futsal

15 Oct 2019 by Jorge Peiro

Dear OKFC players and members,

Last Saturday 12th October the team held the elections for the 2019-2020 season. The votes of 27 team members ended up in a very tight result and the new board stays as it was: Kostas R., Maxim and Jorge, together with Erlend and Alvaro. We want to thank all candidates and players for their participation. Also thanks to Alvaro for hosting us once more. All candidates elected or not will be taken into account for the active support in the board.

We also want to announce the participation of OKFC in the winter futsal league 2019-2020. Some of the OKFC members have played for the futsal team Gorbatjov during the previous years. This year OKFC merges with this team, therefore every player is welcome. Sign up in the following list before the coming October 20th

The participation fee starts at 700 dkk, needed to pay the referees, fields and equipment. Depending on the signed up players part of the fee will be returned potentially. The league is formed by 6 teams and matches are generally on the weekends spread between November to February. Full program can be checked in FC Fjordbold is among the opponents, which makes it extra interesting. We will organize trainings once a week, more details to come.

We want to remind you that the 11 aside trainings and friendly matches during the winter are prioritize above the winter futsal tournament. This year serves as a test for the participation of OKFC in the futsal league. If the outcome is positive we will also organize it in the coming years.


The board of OKFC 🔴⚪🔴⚪⚽

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